Participatory project promoted by Fondazione Wurmkos and Cooperativa Lotta per l'Infanzia,
curated by Gabi Scardi, focused on the theme of clothing as an interface between the individual and the world, the body and space.
With the collaboration of Clara Rota, in a participatory workshop with people,
neither in employment nor in education or training, we have realized on the concept of “dress” 5 elements able to reveal attitudes and aspirations,
interpreting the relationship of the individual with himself and with others.
Winner of Prendi pArte! Agire e pensare creativo” promoted by Direzione Generale Arte e Architettura
contemporanee e Periferie Urbane (DGAAP) del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
2018 / 2019 MI ABITO / LA FORMA DEI CORPI Exhibition: Farmacia Wurmkos + Biennolo
*Performance: Museo del 900, Milan
photo: Cesare LoPopolo, Anna Vezzosi